Friday, July 09, 2010

Aaron's Story 9th of July 2010

Watch it on Youtube or download it from Megaupload!

Chas is annoyed when she goes all out to make Aaron and Jackson welcome at Mill Cottage, while Carl goes to the pub.


  1. It's great to see a real story with real people, I know you (Jason/Aaron)arn't gay in real life and that just makes your acting even better, I know it must have been hard for you to do some of these scenes but well done! Great acting and so nice to see gay guys being cast as ordinary every day guys and not the camp stereo types, there is nothing wrong with camp boys, I love them all but they are just the tip of the iceberg. If you like it or not you must have given hope to so many young gay guys in similar positions and you should be very proud of that. You should have won an award for that - I'm gutted you didn't Keep up the good work Jason. Well done mate.

  2. sorry Danny, I thought your name was Jason it says Jason Black on the twitter feed. Sorry for that.

  3. Tai Chicken Curry - green or red

  4. Jackson, you're great.
